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 Like any association, the nerve of the "war" is the members.


    It is THEY who shape, who forge, who make the association. They are essential to the life of the association. Our troupe is strongly rooted in this state of mind, because without a member, none of our shows could see the light of day!

    We are a team where everyone is important. We are all volunteers, only good humor and good atmosphere are our engine.

   Also, if you like to dance, if you like the atmosphere of a team, if you like performing, if you like Catalan culture, you will like our association!

   So don't hesitate, come join us young and old to share simple but authentic moments!


    Rehearsals take place every Friday evening in the Kitzingen hall of the PRADES sports complex.

2 sessions are open to the choice for all (children and adults):

- from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.: course for learning and improving the sardana

- from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.: lessons for learning and improving Catalan ballets with traditional costumes





EL GRUP TERRA DEL SOL 11 Station boulevard 66500 PRADES

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